At the beginning of the 60ies Mr Campbell Douglas, an American, was searching for a
suitable place for his family and friends. He Finally selected this place and had his Cabier
lodge built here.
Mr. Campbell Douglas had been travelling around many of the Caribbean islands until he
finally chanced upon this particular place on the island of Grenada in the midst of exotic beauty and nature. He decided to build his house for his family and friends on the rock ledge next to the Cabier palm beach. The house was surrounded on three sides by the turquoise blue sea, which contributes to this unique location. Most probably it was the peace and the tropical nature, exotic fruits and coconut palms, the sand beach and the calm sea, coral reefs and the daily sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean which convinced him of the uniqueness of this place next to the sea.
Much time and work went into the environmentally friendly development of this place in
the Southeast of the island to fit his private objectives. The stone mansion was built according to his own plans in colonial style. It features an inviting green courtyard and a living room with a great panoramic view over both bays and the immense vastness of the Atlantic Ocean. In the beginning water was taken from a simple house water cistern. Soon the owners wished for proper water and power supply. Consequently water and power connections were laid under difficult working conditions from the community of Crochu located 15 minutes away.
Until today this main building is preserved in its original U shape design and with the
beautiful inner courtyard. Old mango trees provide cool shade for the guest terraces which afford a lovely view over the Atlantic, reefs and the near bays.

History of Cabier